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Many of you will know Peter Paul Skrepek amongst other facts as the guitarist of Falco at the legendary festival Donauinselfest 1993. Peter invited me to meet face-to-face for the first time …
Robby Musenbichler had aroused his interest and so it came about that 3 Deeflexx took place in front of his amps – and have never left it since then!
Peter told me that finally it’s possible now to hear his studio sounds on stage – “… these Systems should have been available in earlier days, this musical surround sound – JUST AMAZING!”
In the meantime there are 5 Systems doing their work together when the big rig is on stage, they are deeflexxing a multi amp rig with a 1×12 and a 2×12 cab as well as a 2×12 amp.
Currently a wet-dry-wet setup is built with two 1×12 cabs for stereo sounds and a 2×12 cab for the direct, classic guitar tone, I hope we will see some pictures soon.
We talked for a long time about picking up guitar sounds with Deeflexx, I could give many tips and show him, what new dimensions in recording will be opened up. Armed with some sketches and notes Peter will record some tracks in the studio soon…